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                About us

                Shanghai Mijet Printing Co., Ltd is a technical producer dedicated to self-adhesive label printing. During the development of our company, we are holding our business mentality all through as the following: firstly, production is directed by the high technological power; Secondly, the high quality of our products is the base of everything; Thirdly, we must provide the dedicated service to our customers including end users and distributors before and after sales.

                In order to guarantee the steady quality of our products, we keep the global business in view and request high quality materials strictly at all times. We can provide you with the better label products by our scientifically simple managing pattern.

                We adopt many kinds of rotary letter-press label printing machines£¬all-imported label measure machines and label-test facilities and equipments which are now taking the lead in the world and according with relative important standards of quality control requirements.

                Our business strategy is to persist in making great efforts for providing all the end users and distributors with the better products, faster delivery and more favorable price.

                Shanghai Mijet is one of the best label brand you can trust in.